
Walk-a, Walk-a, Walk-a!

Yay!!! Khloe has finally decided to take her first steps on her own! She will be 11 months on the 5th, so I can still say she started walking at 10 months haha! I am so proud of her, she is so cute when she does it because she gets so excited and then claps her hands when she sits down. She still needs a little more practice but soon she will be running around like crazy! It's so fun to watch these beautiful babies grow and figure things out for themselves.. It's truly amazing! I have a couple videos of her and will post them soon!


Leonard said...

Send the videos to me NOW!!!!

Deryck & Bree said...

Yay! What a big girl!! I can't wait to see her walk-a-walk-a-walka! Evyn is still having a hard time, I took her to her Pediatrition the other day and he said she may need to wear a brace on her right leg to straighten out her feet! I was like Heck NO! poor little pigeon toes;)

Anonymous said...

ya! send them NOW!