
So Many Looks!?

So I know this is a strange post but I've been thinking about it for quite some time now. I know you all pretty much know this about me but for some reason it bugs me that I do it! I change my hair way too much! I promise it's not my fault all the time, most of the time my hair likes to have a mind of its own and pull random colors when I get it done.... It drives me crazy because I feel like I am always having to fix something with it! Well just so you all know I QUIT! :) I am so done with coloring my hair... I'm going all natural from now on! (We'll see how long it last... wink wink!)


Jamie said...

I decided to go on a "hair diet" about 2 years ago and it was the best decision ever! I pretty much have virgin hair now. The only thing I've done to it is trim it and it's a lot more healthy. I may one day do something to it, but it's really been nice to not have to constantly change it! Good luck! I love your hair however you wear it!

Deryck & Bree said...

haha! For some reason I don't buy it;) I bet the next time I see you, you will have done something to it, jk, Good for you, I still think that you can rock any color in this world, so what ever happens im sure it will look good no matter what. miss ya!